
 Delegates ARMABI FK UB for final race of Medjonson amounted to 2 pers. with 1 team. On Wednesday 3 may 2017, a delegation of the new city of Malang station for preparation of departure toward the city of Yogyakarta. The delegation rode Malioboro Express Economy with departure times at 20 o’clock pm. The delegation arrived at Yogyakarta Tugu station at 03.49 BST and then picked up by the Party Committee and transfer to the Hotel Ros In for registration and check in. Delegates at the hotel resting and doing preparations for the Welcoming Party.

Welcoming party held at 7 pm in the campus auditorium UMY. Delegates using batik dresscode. There is a message from the Dean, Chairman of the Scientific Institutions, the Chairman of the Committee of Medjonson, then continued with the Technical Meeting of the third race, Literature Review-Scientific Posters, posters of the public, and Educational Videos, as well as the Division of the lottery order. The event continued with a dinner and photo session. The delegation returned to the hotel at 22:00.

     The second day, on Friday, may 5th, 2017 delegates prepare for the race. 06.00 delegates breakfast at 07.00 and heading off to campus UMY. There are 3 rooms for race Literature Review-Scientific Posters, posters of the public, and Educational Videos. The final race starts at 08.00-11.00. Presentation of the work running smoothly. After the race finished, the participants are female muslim Friday prayers and lunch, as well as photographs together on campus UMY.

         After that, the delegates returned home to Ros In Hotel to rest and get ready for fun in the evenings to Malioboro Street. At 7 pm the delegation went to Malioboro Street. Participants return to the hotel by 21:00.

       On day 3, activities began with Reveille and preparations at at 04. Extended breakfast in the morning at 05.30. After breakfast, activities continued with mobilization into the room seminars and workshops. Arriving at the event, opened by MC Seminar, followed by prayer and the reading of the Scriptures by the officer of the event. After that, the show continued with the activities of the first Seminar on the theme of HIV. Seminar part 1 foudation on HIV in General by Dr. Suharno Heads of clinics Notoyudan and Talkshow by Mas Ragil and ya Magda from community care for PEOPLE LIVING with HIV. Seminars and talk-part 1 this is a very educating and inspiring as we invited changed views about HIV and PEOPLE LIVING with HIV negative and support them to be able to work with their condition now.

         The next activity is Coffee Break. After the Coffee Break, the event continued with a Seminar themed stage 2 Counselling Techniques in General and of counselling on HIV patients. The material is first filled by Dr. Warih Your P, K.J.., SP. M.Sc which carries the material about the techniques of public seacara Counseling. The second matter was filled by Dr. Ida Rochmawati, MSc., SP. KJ which carries material about Counseling in HIV patients. Seminar stage 2 is very communicative because presenters are very attractive and interesting in bringing the material so that participants are not quickly tired and was able to receive the material very well. The event continued with a ISHOMA until 13.00. After ISHOMA, the event followed by workshops on HIV counseling against PEOPLE LIVING with HIV who are mentored by both presenters seminar earlier Dr. Ida Rochmawati, MSc., SP. KJ and Dr. Warih Your P, K.J.., SP. M.Sc. After the Workshop is over, the event closed with the photos together and rest and preparation for a Farewell Party. Farewell Party starts at 20.00 opened by MC and followed by the greeting-greeting. After opening remarks, the event continued with a dinner with the accompaniment of acoustic music by Committee. After dinner, proceed with the election of the Delegates and the King and Queen. Continued Exchanging Gifts and Specialties of each Region. After that, the show followed by the announcement of the winner of the race. Here is a recap of the winners Medjonson 2017 from Ub:

  • Poster Contest winners public (Zuke Ulfa Diana and Nila Sefiana Dwi)
  • Race champion 2 Literature Review – Public Poster (Maya Empress, Putu Ijiya Fahmi and m. Rizki)
  • third place Race Literature Review – Public Poster (Bayu Yudha, Ria Sherliana, and Erna Mak)

        The show Farewell party closed by the Photos together and the event officially closed by the MC.

      On day 4 starts with waking up in the morning and eat in the morning in the hotel. The activities of the delegation today is a city tour. We depart from hotel by bus at 9:00 am. The Committee invites us to our first destination i.e. Kampong of batik. Here we learn making batik and batik making on its own. Here also we diberiwawasan about the history and development of batik batik nowadays. At noon we move on to the next destination. Our next destination was urged the Committee to pollen which is where the baths of the Sultan Hamengkubuono. In this place we are invited by guide to touring around the Taman Sari. Many historical relics is a very good place.

         Exactly 12 noon we returned to the hotel to prepare for return to Malang. We pack it for getting ready to go to the station. Hours at 20 PM our train to malang Malang station and arrive at a new city at 03.35 am.


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