MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI adalah Musyawarah Nasional – Rapat Kerja Nasional yang dilaksanakan oleh Ikatan Lembaga Mahasiswa Kebidanan Indonesia secara rutin setiap tahun. Institusi yang menyelenggarakan acara ini dipilih berdasarkan tenderisasi yang dilaksanakan pada MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI tahun sebelumnya. Pada tahun 2021 ini, MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya, tepatnya oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Kebidanan atau yang biasa disebut ARMABI. Dikarenakan saat ini masih dalam masa pandemi COVID-19, maka MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI 2021 diselenggarakan secara daring.

            Acara MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI 2021 dilaksanakan dalam 2 hari, yaitu Sabtu-Minggu, 01-02 Mei 2021 dengan menggunakan platform Zoom Meeting. Pada hari 1, acara MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI dihadiri oleh beberapa tamu undangan, diantaranya :

  1. Ketua Himpunan ARMABI : Kirana Klarisma Putri, 
  2. Presiden Mahasiswa BEM FKUB : Primus Muhammad Ihza Kusuma, 
  3. Dosen Kebidanan FKUB : Ibu Yuseva Sariati, SST., SE., M.Keb,
  4. Wakil Dekan III Bidang Kemahasiswaan FKUB : dr. Eriko Prawestiningtyas, Sp.F,
  5. Ketua IBI : Ibu Dr Emi Nujasmi, M.Kes, dan
  6. Sekretaris Jenderal AIPKIND : Ibu Yetty Leoni Irawan, M.Sc. 

Pada hari 1 membahas tentang AD/ART, GBHO, Pelantikan Sekretaris Jendral Periode 2021/2022 serta Pengurus Harian Nasional IKAMABI Periode 2021/2022,dan Pelantikan Majelis Pertimbangan Agung Periode 2021/2022. Selamat atas terpilihnya Salma Salsabila sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal IKAMABI Periode 2021/2022. Terdapat 4 perwakilan delegasi Universitas Brawijaya yang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengemban amanah menjadi Pengurus Harian Nasional. Ucapan selamat atas pelantikan amanah baru kepada:

  1. Irfaninda Putri Imroatul Azizah sebagai Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Eksternal,
  2. Triyana Shinta Dewi sebagai Staff Departemen Pendidikan dan Profesi,
  3. Triya Hanifah sebagai Staff Departemen KPSDM,
  4. Roro Ayu Alfa’adona Witungga sebagai Staff Departemen Advokastrat.

Pada hari 2 terdapat pemaparan Grand Design oleh Sekretaris Jendral IKAMABI 2021/2022, presentasi hasil rapat proker dari masing-masing departemen IKAMABI oleh PHN IKAMABI 2021/2022, presentasi tenderisasi proker LKMM, NCMSC, dan FORMABI, serta terdapat webinar Motivation Training dengan pembicara :

  1. Ibu Indra Supradewi M.Kes menyampaikan materi “Peran Bidan dalan Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan”, dan 
  2. Kak Widya Keropi menyampaikan materi “Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk mempertahankan Eksistensi Bidan di Era Milenial”.

Acara ditutup dengan mengabadikan kebersamaan secara daring melalui capture kegiatan. Semoga dengan diadakannya MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI 2021 sebagai gerbang kepengurusan IKAMABI menuju lebih baik dapat memberi manfaat dalam menambah relasi antar sesama Mahasiswa Kebidanan seluruh Indoensia, serta menambah ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan di masa depan.

            MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI is the National Conference – National Working Meeting which is held by the Association of Indonesian Midwifery Student Organizations regularly every year. The institution that organized this event was selected based on the tender which was held at the previous year’s MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI. In 2021, MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI will be held by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, to be precise by the Midwifery Study Program Student Association or commonly called ARMABI. Because it is currently still in the COVID-19 pandemic, MUNAS RAKERNAS IKAMABI 2021 is held via online.

            The 2021 IKAMABI RAKERNAS MUNAS event will be held in 2 days, namely Saturday-Sunday, 01-02 May 2021 using the Zoom Meeting platform. On day 1, the IKAMABI RAKERNAS MUNAS event was attended by several invited guests, including:

  1. Chairman of the ARMABI Association: Kirana Klarisma Putri,
  2. Student President of FKUB BEM: Primus Muhammad Ihza Kusuma,
  3. FKUB Midwifery Lecturer: Mrs. Yuseva Sariati, SST., SE., M. Keb,
  4. Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs FKUB: dr. Eriko Prawestiningtyas, Sp.F,
  5. IBI Chairman: Mrs. Dr. Emi Nujasmi, Kes, and
  6. Secretary General AIPKIND: Mrs. Yetty Leoni Irawan,M.Sc.

On day 1 discussed the AD / ART, GBHO, the Inauguration of the Secretary General for the 2021/2022 Period and the IKAMABI National Daily Executive for the 2021/2022 Period, and the Inauguration of the Supreme Advisory Council for the 2021/2022 Period. Congratulations on the election of Salma Salsabila as Secretary General of IKAMABI for the 2021/2022 period. There are 4 representatives of the Universitas Brawijaya delegation who have the opportunity to carry out the mandate to become the National Daily Management. Congratulations on the inauguration of the new mandate to:

  1. Irfaninda Putri Imroatul Azizah as Deputy Secretary General for External Affairs,
  2. Triyana Shinta Dewi as Staff of the Ministry of Education and Professionals,
  3. Triya Hanifah as Staff of the KPSDM Department,
  4. Roro Ayu Alfa’adona Witungga as Staff of the Advocate Department.

On day 2 there was a Grand Design presentation by the Secretary General of the IKAMABI 2021/2022, presentation of the results of the work program meeting of each IKAMABI department by PHN IKAMABI 2021/2022, presentation on the tenderization of the LKMM, NCMSC, and FORMABI program tender. To pep up the National Workshop participants IKAMABI 2021 National Conference held awarding the most active participants, disciplined, post of twibbon on instagram  and for participants who can answer questions about the myth / fact in pregnancy. It was ended with a series of Motivation Training by the speakers:

  1. Mrs. Dr. Indra Supradewi MKM delivered the material “The Role of Midwives in Protection and Empowerment of Women”, and
  2. Ms. Widya Keropi delivered material “Utilization of Social Media to Maintain the Existence of Midwives in the Millennial Era”.

The event was closed by capturing togetherness online through capture activities. Hopefully the holding of the IKAMABI RAKERNAS MUNAS 2021 as the gateway for the management of IKAMABI to be better can provide benefits in increasing relationships between Midwifery Students throughout Indonesia, as well as adding useful knowledge for the next future.

-Diane, Paraningtyas







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